Oil firms, petrostates, airlines and carmakers ‘doubling down’ on sector that is popular with young people
By Jo Nova It’s lucky the world has so many billionaires to save us from Democracy eh? But instead of persuading us, or doing honest adverts to save the world (which they could obviously afford) they prefer the deceptive...
State’s Minerals Council says campaign aims to educate the public – but its claims of responsible, low-emissions mining don’t stack up
Since the 1980s, fossil fuel firms have run ads touting climate denial messages – many of which they’d now like us to forget. Here’s our visual guide
Jamie Henn, the founder of Fossil Fuel Free Media, on how advertising agencies help legitimise the fossil fuel industry
ClientEarth calls for tobacco-like health warnings on advertisements from fossil fuel firms
According to a think tank report, excessive advertising is driving materialist consumerism which is contributing to the destruction of the world through global warming...
Move follows efforts to reduce carbon footprint and increase reporting on climate crisis
Dagens ETC says ban is crucial for its credibility and urges other media to follow suit
A new ad campaign features Sir Richard Branson and a number of Chinese celebrities chewing their nails for a good cause. The goal of the videos is simple: instead of going out and purchasing endangered rhino horn, viewers...
Guardian Australia looks back at some advertising efforts of 2015 that met with stinging criticism online, including Woolworths’ ill-fated Anzac Day campaign
Walmart has removed “Made in the ” logos from online product listings after an Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigation and accusations of consumer deception...
Scottish and Southern Energys new campaign cynically exploits eco-imagery to misrepresent a very ordinary business
Decc adverts implied energy savings were guaranteed and did not back up claim scheme boosted property prices, says ASAAn advert for the governments green deal misled householders by implying that energy savings were guaranteed...
WWF on why it stood up to the worlds biggest private coal company over an advert that claimed clean coal technologies would help developing countries
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