The moral of the story? Don’t whine for global government and the rule of ‘experts’. Don’t exaggerate. Prepare for change (Revkin, above). And adaptation to change requires … abundant, affordable, resilient, flexible...
What an embarrassment … to Texas A&M, the science profession, and himself.
Dessler is a lawyer for alarmism, not a humble, careful scientist.
Now that Twitter content moderators and healthy conversation enforcers are not amplifying climate activists nor suppressing dissenting voices it's disheartening for those that believed everyone agrees with them.
"This list could be closer to 50 but let’s just stick to a handful of them. I live in this business every day, and I’m just so confused."
A debate at Oklahoma State University featuring: Steven Koonin, Ph.D, author of Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and Why It Matters, Andrew Dessler, Ph.D, Professor of Atmospheric Science, Texas...
The growth of the technical skeptical blogosphere (pioneered by Steve McIntyre) has challenged traditional notions of expertise, i.e. credentials and sanctity of journal publications, through Climate Audit’s blogospheric...
Texas A&M University's Andrew Dessler vs. Steven Koonin, former undersecretary for science at the Department of Energy, at the Soho Forum.
Texas A&M University's Andrew Dessler vs. Steven Koonin, former undersecretary for science at the Department of Energy, at the Soho Forum.
Resolution: Climate science compels us to make large and rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.
“Angry Andy” is certain that climate science is settled and drop-everything alarming.
You would think after spending uncounted trillions on renewables, there should be some evidence of decoupling between electricity prices and the cost of fossil fuel.
Andrew Dessler is the alarmist’s alarmist, joining Michael Mann and others who have declared war not only against fossil fuels but also against anyone who thinks otherwise.
Atmospheric scientist Andrew Dessler of Texas A&M University created a stir online at Twitter last year when he decided that a graph published by the EPA, and cited by Bjorn…
A debate at The Steamboat Institute Energy and Climate Summit, The Nexus of U.S. Energy Policy, Climate Science, Freedom and Prosperity featuring Alex Epstein, author of the New York Times bestseller The Moral Case for Fossil...
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