Despite the recent floods, droughts and extreme winter weather, the effects of climate change have pretty much been on hiatus for the past few years. But according to Nafeez Ahmed at the Ecologist, about two atomic bombs...
Guest essay by Caleb Shaw I once had a very good science teacher who I fear I made wild, not so much by causing small explosions in the back of his classroom, (which I think he secretly approved of,) as … Continue reading...
In a recent paper, Marcia Wyatt and Judith Curry posited about “Stadium Waves” and climate, suggesting that the ‘stadium-wave’ signal propagates like the cheer known as “the wave” at sporting...
This paper suggests that the CMIP5 models’ (which IPCC relies upon) predicted US SW temperature sensitivity to the GHG has been significantly overestimated by about a factor of two...
From the Georgia Institute of Technology ‘Stadium waves’ could explain lull in global warming One of the most controversial issues emerging from the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth...
With politicians from around the globe meeting in Stockholm this week to negotiate the content of the Summary for Policymakers of the IPCC’s 5th Assessment Report, this seemed like a good time to release my new book...
Note: Dr. Judith Curry also has an essay on this important paper. She writes: My mind has been blown by a new paper just published in Nature. Just when I least expected it, after a busy day when I took … Continue reading...
Guest essay by Joseph D’Aleo, CCM, Weatherbell Analytics National Academies of Science defines a scientific theory as “a well-substantiated explanation of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences,...
This is an addition to the post Fishy Temperature Proxy by Anthony Watts. INTRODUCTION A new paper about fish migration patterns from 1970 to 2006 is getting some attention by the press. My Figure 1 is Figure 2 from Cheung...
Guest post by Paul Homewood Figures released by the Met Office show the UK mean temperature for the 2012/13 winter finishing at 3.31C. This is below the long term...
From the University of Hawaii ‑ SOEST Natural climate swings contribute more to increased monsoon rainfall than global warming Natural swings in the climate have significantly intensified Northern Hemisphere monsoon rainfall,...
From the University of Hawaii ‑ SOEST Natural climate swings contribute more to increased monsoon rainfall than global warming Natural swings in the climate have significantly intensified Northern Hemisphere monsoon rainfall,...
After almost two years and some false starts, BEST now has one paper that has finally passed peer review. The text below is from the email release sent late Saturday. It was previously submitted to JGR Atmospheres according...
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach On another thread, a poster got me thinking about the common practice of using the El Nino 3.4 Index to remove some of the variability from the historical global average surface temperature...
Tamino (aka Grant Foster) will have his knickers in a twist over this one. Guest post by Marcel Crok (from his blog De staat van het klimaat) An interesting new paper (behind paywall) has been accepted for publication in...
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