This paper is not science. It’s a detailed emotional diary wrapped in statistical tinsel to give it the illusion of rigor. Its core message is that climate activism is driven by anxiety and creates more anxiety, while hope...
"... weather stations were not set-up to measure trend and change, but to monitor local weather ..."
The next time you see a breathless headline about “accelerating ocean warming”, remember: bad models, biased assumptions, and agenda-driven science are the real drivers behind these claims—not reality.
Ultimately, this paper isn’t a scientific analysis of climate change’s tangible effects—it’s a study in the effectiveness of climate alarmism. It demonstrates how fear can be cultivated, monetized, and weaponized...
Can you believe it? NOAA/NCEI tells us Christmas trees are a thing of the past,
Instead of chastising these newspapers for not toeing the climate line, perhaps the authors should spend more time addressing the actual priorities of the communities they claim to care about...
Reading this treatise on the intersection of brine shrimp, queer theory, and "hydrosexuality" is like stepping into a postmodern fever dream—a world where actual problems like water scarcity play second fiddle to debating...
Get this through your head: Models do not produce actual data.
Facts are inconvenient for climate hucksters like CBS, which end up looking like fools trying to ignore reality in order to frighten readers in places like Chicago...
So we only have data since 2004, and the year to year variations are large. To pretend that such a short series is in any way significant is not only unscientific but fraudulent.
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach (@WEschenbach on eX-Twitter) The usual font of misinformation, the Guardian, has an article claiming the following: In 2023, the hottest year ever recorded, preliminary findings by...
We’re now in an age where a centuries-old system, grounded in practicality and proven effectiveness, is being labeled as problematic because it doesn’t fit into today’s ever-shifting, ever-demanding social justice landscape...
What makes this situation truly absurd isn’t just the waste of time and money on such a blindingly obvious conclusion. No, it's the fact that these "findings" will inevitably be spun into policy recommendations. Cue the...
"The use and abuse of the peer reviewed literature to produce tactical science which I define as:
“Publications — often targeted for the peer reviewed literature — designed and constructed to serve extra-scientific...
These findings are in line with research showing that rises in ambient temperature (including heatwaves) and climate change are associated with increased stroke morbidity and mortality...
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