In the end, Szabo’s message is clear: science is drowning in waste and fakery, and it’s time to stop pretending otherwise. His solutions may not be perfect, but they’re a starting point. If we want science we can trust,...
Novels that take a skeptical view of climate alarm have become an endangered species since Michael Crichton’s “State of Fear” was published 20 years ago...
There’s a real market for dystopian literature. The Alarmists have had great success in this arena.
What’s especially notable about the book is that it’s the first fictional novel, movie, or TV show in many years to portray climate change as something other than a coming apocalypse.
Green Breakdown is a complete discussion of all facets of the proposed renewable transition, including power plants, home appliances, electric vehicles, ships, aircraft, heavy industry, carbon capture and storage, and the...
Bottom Line:
I liked this book – it made me think, re-think and think again. It made me do the type of intellectual work that refreshes the mind and brings new understandings. It just can’t get better than that!
This is one book that is far different, with a difference that is important. It has been written by a real climate scientist.
Unless you have already spent a lifetime studying the complex, complicated and chaotic subjects that comprise climate science, you stand to learn more from this book than from any other contemporary work.
"A Tale of Two Climates" is suitable for use as a “coffee table book”. Leave it around for visitors to pick up and leaf through…almost every page has a graphic of some sort that will catch their eye and text that...
The new novel by Daniel Church, Winter Games, opens with a scene at the beach, surfing the big waves, which is dangerous enough in the best of times, but can be deadly dangerous for those who have stayed out too long and...
"Their new book, The Unpopular Truth about Electricity and the Future of Energy, will give you the information you need to talk about this topic with a sense of authority backed by real information. "
Two excellent books to read during the winter solstice doldrums or while traveling over the holidays. Not to mention a great last minute Xmas gift.
"What wasn't clear at all was the evidence that the carbon dioxide was causing the warming. Clearly the warming had started long before the fast increase in carbon dioxide.”
I guarantee that much of what you will read in this book will surprise you and much more will enlighten and educate you.
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