Desalination today provides potable water to billions of people worldwide, with Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Israel, and other Middle Eastern countries leading the way...
The WHO propagandists want to convince all the gullible people that a 0.4 C rise in temperature and a 1.5 mm decrease in dry season precipitation over 120 years is a climate crisis increasing deadly diseases like Ebola. Only...
This collective effort marks more than a policy shift—it is a cultural transformation. By prioritizing transparency, accountability, and public health, the incoming administration aims to restore trust in HHS and its agencies....
As Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Basu has helped insert climate change into every aspect of the four-year curriculum. He describes and evaluates this process in a new paper, published May 29 in...
[Our question] How can updating the Reference Manual to address junk science best be accomplished given such a massive input from entrenched academics in the past?
Yes, it’s the same old pack of lies they roll out every year, trying to convince that global health is suffering because of climate change.
You only have to read the first paragraph to understand that this is a political...
“Globally, 5,083,173 deaths per year were associated with sub-optimal temperatures, accounting for 9.43% of all deaths. 8.52% were cold-related and 0.91% were heat-related. There were 74 temperature-related excess deaths...
...aspiring to be a planet-saving superhero risks undermining the commitments that doctors make: make doctors doctors again. Physicians, heal thyselves!
The politics of the climate movement must never take precedence over patient safety!
The fundamental goal of health care should be to improve patient outcomes, not to serve as a proving ground for environmental activism.
With industrial wind projects literally engulfing homes and rural areas, there is little or no escape
The ratcheting up of hysterical coverage, misleadingly linking damage from natural disasters to climate change, while harping on the fact no major climate policies are being passed, is leading to depression and anxiety about...
...the British public who are entitled to receive timely and realistic advice on current and future health threats, not politically-driven scare stories based on unproven science and garbage-in, garbage-out climate models.
There is no evidence that modest warming has caused disease outbreaks due to animal migration nor that continued modest warming it threatens to do so in the future.
“People need to know that academia is not an innocuous place” … “[Academia] is the epicenter for just about everything bad that you're seeing going on right now.”
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