This Seattle Times article was financed by a collection of activist foundations and the University of Washington. It shows the dangers of advocacy journalism.
Ignore your lying eyes, what you are seeing is frozen heaps of global warming?
Junk science at its finest. No wonder Germany’s PISA results are plummeting. You can see it, especially in journalism.
We find the models got it wrong for all four seasons.
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach By way of what in my life is a fairly common path, that of a series of misunderstandings and coincidences, I ended up on the…
All western US states have seen above-average snowfall; in fact, all have set records:
My advice: don't think about buying tomato plants in April.
Will they ever tire of being wrong?
The post BBC End of Snow: “How climate change threatens to close ski resorts” first appeared on Watts Up With That?.
Current climate models predict that there will be more precipitation in winter in the coming decades, but that it will fall as rain instead of snow.
Snow Extent in the Northern Hemisphere ... the Highest in 56 years, Increases the Likelihood of Cold Early Winter
Jim Steele “As scientists who study what controls snowfall admit, “There are “no easy answers” to the question of climate change and snow” Nonetheless click bait media doesnt hesitate to…
New flakes fell on a 47-inch mid-mountain base on rare May Closing Day
According to an "athlete and coach perspective" study conducted by the University of Waterloo in Canada, reductions in snowfall due to climate change will make it difficult to host future Winter Olympic events.
From ClimateREALISM By James Taylor -December 13, 2021 In his 2006 Hollywood movie “An Inconvenient Truth,” Al Gore solemnly warns that “Within the decade there will be no more snows of Kilimanjaro.”…
As Russian Arctic towns struggle with an unexpected early hard freeze, and Northern Europe struggles with harsh temperatures, climate scientists have announced that rain will dominate Arctic snow events by 2060.
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