President Donald. J. Trump’s seismic shift in energy policy will be felt far beyond U.S. borders. His withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, expanding American oil and gas exports, terminating the Green New Deal and...
Many customers face being priced out of the electricity market altogether when supply of renewables is weak.
Energy bills eat up much larger proportions of income for those at the lower end of the economic scale.
Let’s hope climate talks finally come to grips with energy, scientific and economic reality
In the end, the greenergy fad is not saving the environment, cannot hope to provide enough electricity to cover current demand let alone the explosive growth planned, and is very specifically crushing economies, fueling international...
The right way forward is not telling people to do less with less. It is becoming a more productive society once again. Building infrastructure. Investing in nuclear and gas – the only power that can do the job. Mastering...
It is high time for free market energy reform in place of climate alarmism/forced energy transformation.
By 9pm, it was all over. The climate change narrative had won, decimating the party in governance.
But when we located the transcript of Biden’s conversation with utility executives on Feb. 9, we found no reference to $500 in utility savings. The figure was also not mentioned in the White House readout of the meeting.
Considering the current crisis, solutions to combat energy poverty should be at the forefront of every conversation and news report. Yet it is ignored.
More than 471,629 disconnection notices were sent out in April 2022 for residential customers across New York State, with Orange and Rockland counties leading the way, with 79 shutoffs that month.
Guest “Goods and services aren’t rights” by David Middleton HEALTH & FITNESS | MAY 16, 2022 2:29 PMWhy Air Conditioning Should Be a Universal Human RightThis century is only going…
Congress, courts, states and voters must act now, to reverse the damage that climate and “green” energy policies are having on our economy, jobs, health, well-being, wildlife and environment.
Guest “the math is simple” by David Middleton Energy poverty in Europe is linked to expensive renewablesIt appears that policymakers are gathering in Glasgow to speed up killing fossil fuels,…
The situation in the U.K. should be a warning to U.S. energy planners, who might face a similar situation if Biden moves ahead with his carbon-reduction proposals and replaces U.S. energy independence with a renewed dependence...
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