By Jo Nova Who knew? Penguins are not only a “sentinel species” warning us about climate change in Antarctica but “Adélie penguin breeding is closely linked to temperature“...
The two new studies from Antarctica and Poland indicate that the natural climate factors still need to be much better understood in order to be able to incorporate them faithfully into climate models. Currently, the simulations...
By Jo Nova For some reason our long climate proxies work for hundreds of years but always seem to stop working just before the man-made catastrophe appears...
By Jo Nova How much money has the world wasted because of some tree ring studies? A Chinese group has looked at all the different kinds of 2,000 year long proxies in the PAGES dataset and found that history looks quite different...
This admission strongly suggests that the study is more about climate advocacy than science, and the media fell for it.
By Jo Nova Where are the tears? Elephant Seals and Penguins were forced off the Ross sea 1,000 years ago because it got too cold
By Jo Nova Nothing at all about the modern era stands out as unusual at all Thanks to David Whitehouse at NetZeroWatch who has found a remarkable paper: Pyrenean caves reveal a warmer past
By Jo Nova Medieval “climate change” was filled with heatwaves, droughts, and crop failures One thousand years ago, “rivers ran dry under the protracted heat, the fish were left dry in heaps and putrefied...
The development and maintenance of life on Earth have been greatly aided by the Holocene – sometimes called the age of man.
On April 11, 2022, CERES team-leader, Dr. Willie Soon’s gave a presentation in Washington D.C., “The Weaponization of Science: Politics, Vilification, and the Climate Debate”.
From Russia to the Indian Ocean to Antarctica, surface temperatures were much warmer than they are today during Medieval times.
Thus, scientific integrity falls by the wayside. It is only a matter of time before critical climate scientists systematically address the inconsistencies in the filtered IPCC 6th climate report. The incident reveals how...
Discovery of the “whys” for previous warming cycles, like what occurred during the Roman and Medieval Warm Periods are unlikely to qualify for government funded research, so the easier route to funding is to enhance the...
Here we go again. For five or so years believers didn’t really mention the Medieval Warm Period. Too bruised by the embarrassment of Hockey Stick Zombie failures. But it’s an inconvenient era they have to rub...
Guest re-blogging by David Middleton From No Tricks Zone: The paper: Lüning, S., M. Gałka, F. Vahrenholt (2019): The Medieval Climate Anomaly in Antarctica. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109251...
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