The Michelle and Barack Obama Sports Complex, one of the first net-zero energy buildings in all of Los Angeles, is complete and ready to serve the public...
Guest “Remember this?” by David Middleton Obama: Nation can’t drill its way out of soaring gas pricesBY ANDREW RESTUCCIA – 05/06/11 President Obama called for the elimination of billions of…
Guest “Good fracking grief!” by David Middleton I do a lot of networking on LinkedIn. The vast majority of it is with oil & gas and other energy industry professionals…
It never ceases to amaze me how the very mention of the word “climate” causes people to lose all touch with their rational faculties. And of course I’m not talking here just about the ordinary man on the street, but...
The Trump administration announced on Friday that the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument, which encompasses over 5,000 square miles of the Atlantic Ocean 130 miles off the coast of Cape Cod, will open...
REUTERS/Adriano Machado Chris White Tech Reporter March 04, 2020 2:46 PM ET The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is making some critical changes to a rule designed to keep so-called secret science out of regulatory crafting...
Guest “I couldn’t make this sort of schist up if I was trying” by David Middleton This is sort of a follow up to Eric’s post on the Obama’s new beachfront mansion… Climate Change Could...
From The Daily Caller Michael Bastasch | Energy Editor The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized its plan to repeal and replace the Obama-era Clean Power Plan...
The production of energy-efficient light bulbs could be hurt by a new proposal. The Trump administration is looking to get rid of Obama-era laws that encouraged companies to make energy-efficient bulbs. If the regulations...
Internal documents from the Pentagon reveal a notable de-emphasis on climate change as a national security threat, seemingly to accommodate a president who does not believe in climate change itself...
The Trump Administration has re-prioritized which kinds of communities, and what kinds of projects, receive funding from the popular $500 million transportation grant program known as TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating...
The Environmental Protection Agency is poised to undo Obama-era greenhouse gas emission regulations and fuel economy standards that were designed to encourage the development of cleaner, more efficient vehicles...
The United States Department of Agriculture has officially withdrawn an Obama-era rule that would have established basic animal welfare standards for organic meat, eggs, and dairy products...
From Reason From solar to coal, politicians love to subsidize power production. Veronique de Rugy | August 17, 2017 Despite the breadth of the current political divide, it appears that there is at least one thing that...
Date: 07/26/17 Christopher C. Horner, The Washington Times Emails show ‘disturbing contempt’ for the Senate’s treaty role The New York Times on Aug. 24, 2014, broke a major news story: “Obama pushing Climate Accord...
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