Soil on the moon contains active compounds that can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and fuels, scientists in China report May 5 in the journal Joule.
New research finds the ocean’s middle depths, home to many commercially fished species, started losing oxygen at unnatural rates in 2021
Glacial erosion likely caused atmospheric oxygen levels to dip over past 800,000 years
Fish are struggling to breathe and algal blooms flourish in lakes around the world, thanks to a drastic decrease in oxygen levels. A new study published in the journal Nature examined oxygen in 400 lakes in the U.S. and Europe...
Guest “not in a billion years” by David Middleton Earth’s Oxygen is Rapidly Running Out, Dropping Levels Will Eventually Suffocate Most Life on Planet MARCH 03, 2021, Buzz Staff Elon…
Unfortunately, scientific journals also succumb to the same profit incentives. Indeed, pictures of thousands of suffocated fish floating belly-up is very disturbing. However, media outlets amplified our fears with headlines...
A Texas A&M-led study analyzed ocean floor sediment cores to provide new insights into the relationship between deep ocean oxygenation and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels in the 50,000 years before the last ice age...
Marine life is in serious trouble if ocean oxygen levels continue to plummet. A new report by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) reveals that ocean oxygen levels have decreased by about 2 percent since...
Japanese designer and material scientist Jun Kamei has invented an underwater breathing device constructed with 3D printing. Kamei foresees complications arising from higher sea levels, which he believes will affect up to...
Guest essay by David Middleton Warning: This is a long post, >5,200 words. Introduction This post was inspired by Anthony Watts’ recent post about wildfires and their unwillingness to cooperate with the Gorebal...
Researchers at the University of Michigan and McGill University in Montreal have created a device that uses sunlight to efficiently split fresh or salt water into hydrogen that may be used in fuel cells...
When Hurricane Ivan formed in 2004, it did more than devastate regions of the Caribbean and the United States’ coast. According to the new documentary “The Underwater Forest,” it also unearthed a fossilized forest of...
Industrial agriculture is blamed as a major cause of greenhouse gas, but what if there was a way to sustainably produce food that could help solve some of the world’s toughest environmental problems? That’s what the folks...
Future Mars colonists are going to need oxygen, and NASA has a plan to make it. Their Mars 2020 Rover will be equipped with a Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment device, nicknamed MOXIE, which will attempt...
Resources are scarce in Kenya, and nearly half of the population lives below the poverty line, but they do have poop. Activists with Nakuru Water and Sanitation Services Company are providing clean fuel for local residents...
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