...we welcome back two special guests – CFACT’s Chris Martz and Steve Milloy of JunkScience.com – two of the best on X/Twitter at pushing back at climate alarmist nonsense.
This video along with hundreds of others...
Every one of the “predictions” is so open-ended that they have the same probability of a coin-toss.
Are we at a Hothouse tipping point now? The simple answer is “no”. A Hothouse period is simply not possible in our current climate state.
It seems like yet another climate doomsday prediction has failed to materialize. The goalposts have been moved into the future, again.
“it is good, although not surprising, news that when the world passes through the 1.5 C target, it will not be plunging to its death over a climate cliff.”
...the claimed dangers are based on climate model projections, not actual cause and effect connections demonstrated by data.
Climate tipping points are much more fantasy than science
ANY estimate of the timing of a “tipping point” must take the uncertainties into account, which are so substantial that they are all unsound when made.
A constant factor, therefore, according to observations, is a further overestimation of the danger of the occurrence of “galloping ice melt” in Greenland.
Data collected directly in the Atlantic Ocean thus do not provide any support for the IPCC's forecasts of an ongoing collapse of the AMOC.
The idea of disastrous “tipping points” may make for good headlines and story ledes, but there is no evidence any exist.
Let's sprinkle a dash of humor onto your daily helping of apocalypse stew.
Despite evidence to the contrary provided by real-world-data, climate alarmism over future tipping points seems to be a constant feature of the media, but they never happen – “its déjà vu all over again.”
Researchers warn that permafrost peatlands in Europe and Western Siberia are much closer to a climatic tipping point than previous believed.
Crossing a tipping point may lead to many other situations than the generally assumed catastrophic outcome
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