settled science, definition of

Settled Science

Settled Science is a phrase often encountered in newspapers and press reports, usually associated with climate change articles and reports. Settled Science is used to indicate that the science of climate change is 'settled' and therefore further discussion on the point is pointless as the underlying science is so strong as to not require any more discussion.

The real problem is that proper science is never 'settled' rather it moves and advances as new findings are made, even when what was effected was considered solid fact (like the Earth being flat and the center of the universe). Therefore to say any science is settled is a gross misrepresentation of the process, rather the results of current science can be said to at best to be in 'general agreement' for a theory or law that has been around for many years (i.e. it has survived many competing theories or ideas). In this regard, given the relative infancy of climate science compared to the other science fields, it is hard to say anything is in long term general agreement; rather there are several competing theories or mind sets in play that come and go as more research is done.

Also science itself progresses on the basis of theories being present, examined, reproduced and either shown to be true (findings are consistent) or false (unable to reproduce findings). The process itself never settles; rather on the basis of reproducible evidence different theories progress or decline over time. Therefore if a scientific point is not up for discussion as it is considered settled, take this as in indication the point itself could be either be weakly proven or ill defined; good science welcomes well formed debate and independent examination.

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Related Tags: climate change, global warming, environment

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