While Hawaii's Kilauea volcano continues to erupt, this explosive episode of volcanic activity has already made a dramatic impact on the land, from the summit down to the ocean...
Mount Mayon, the most active volcano in the Philippines, sent lava billowing down its slopes on Tuesday and prompted an evacuation of more than 21,000 locals who live in threatened areas...
Scientists at the University of Illinois have constructed a new theory on how the hotspot beneath Yellowstone National Park's supervolcano gets its heat. "A robust result from these models is that the heat source behind...
Geologists at Rutgers University and Yale University have discovered a large subterranean mass of hot rock slowly bubbling its way to the surface in the American state of Vermont...
Bardarbunga, the largest volcano in Iceland, is preparing to erupt. And if it does, it could send an enormous ash cloud across Europe, affecting travel, air quality, and agriculture. Encased under the Vatnajokull glacier,...
Researchers now believe the sprawling Yellowstone caldera was created by two massive eruptions from the supervolcano that occurred approximately 630,000 years ago...
Researchers now believe the sprawling Yellowstone caldera came into being as a result of two massive eruptions from the supervolcano that occurred approximately 630,000 years ago...
Bali's Mount Agung could erupt at any moment - and when it does, climate watchers may notice a slight shift from the seemingly endless global temperature rise...
When Bali's Mount Agung erupts in the near future, which could come at any moment, climate watchers may notice a slight shift from the seemingly endless global temperature rise...
Volcanoes are fascinating, powerful, and somewhat mysterious. Researchers at University of California at Berkeley have been working on shedding a little light on the subject, by using supercomputers and seismic waves to...
Iceland is rising. No, it’s not a thrilling new ride at a theme park. Iceland is actually being lifted by climate change. This means Iceland is getting more land freed up by melting ice, but it could also mean that more...
Scientists have identified five mass extinctions over the course of the Earth's history. While many are familiar with the cataclysmic event that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, the most dramatic die-off happened...
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